We are about to receive our first harvest delivery of feedstock for the project. This time of year (a little later than usual) we will be taking in what is called the “1st cut” of grass for ensiling and wholecrop rye – a cereal.

Starting next week, tractors and trailers, coming from fields where both grass and whole crop rye are being harvested, will be delivering chopped feedstock into the new clamps we’ve built on site. The “silage” will be stored ready for feeding when the plant is commissioned later this year. You can see a large version of the map of where these crops are coming from here. The green markers are the area where the fields are – and the purple marker shows the location of the biogas plant.

If you have any concerns or questions about these activities or the project in general you can review our FAQs here or contact us via a webform or phone number here.